top az septic services

Your septic system is a major investment for your home, so it’s important to take steps to maximize its lifespan. With proper care and maintenance, you can avoid costly repairs and premature replacement. Here are some tips to help extend the life of your septic tank, pipes, and drains.

Use Water Efficiently

One of the biggest threats to your septic system is overloading it with too much water flow. Make sure to conserve water as much as possible by fixing leaks, installing low-flow fixtures, and spreading out water-intensive activities like laundry over multiple days.

Dispose of Waste Properly 

Your septic system is designed to handle human waste and toilet paper only. Never flush non-biodegradable items like feminine products, diapers, paper towels, or cat litter. These can clog your pipes and drain field. Additionally, avoid pouring fats, oils, and grease down the drain as they can solidify and create backups.

Get Regular Inspections

Having your septic tank inspected and pumped out every 3-5 years by a professional is crucial for removing the built-up sludge that doesn’t get broken down. This prevents solids from entering and clogging your drain field.

Maintain Your Drain Field

The drain field is where the liquid from your septic tank gets dispersed into the soil. Avoid parking, driving, or building structures over this area, as it can compact the soil and damage the drain lines. Divert surface water runoff away from the drain field as well.


Q: How do I locate my septic system?

A: Most septic tanks have risers at the surface to allow access for inspections and pumping. You can have a septic professional locate your tank if you cannot find the risers. The drain field will be a rectangular area of soil near the tank with no trees, structures or heavy objects on top of it.

Q: How often should I have my septic tank pumped?

A: Most experts recommend having your septic tank inspected and pumped every 3-5 years, depending on the size of your tank and household. More frequent pumping may be needed for larger households.

Q: Are septic additives necessary?

A: Septic tank additives are generally not required for a properly maintained system. Some can even be detrimental by interfering with the biological processes in your tank. Stick to moderate household bleach and detergent use instead.

Don’t neglect your septic system! Follow these tips to extend its lifespan and prevent costly repairs. And when you need reliable septic services in Arizona, contact the professionals at Black Mountain Septic Services by calling (480) 343-0335 or visiting